around the office
real or replica
There are a great many reasons for having either real or replica plants within an office environment, the actual location, accessibility, contact and many more. Each can affect the plants, and we aim to provide what will work for you.
If you choose live plants then our maintenance service will ensure that all your plant displays remain in excellent condition continuously.
Our trained staff will care for your plant displays and replace any sub standard plant free of charge. Visiting you on a regular, planned basis our dedicated staff will water, feed, clean and protect your plants from pests. So you enjoy the full benefits of the displays without worry.
If choosing replica plants, though our replica plants are exceptional, (some requiring very close analysis to be sure whether they are real) they still need a level of maintenance to keep them looking right, resetting any joints, cleaning leaves etc..
Again, our maintenance service can provide a planned period maintenance for your Replica plants to ensure they look as good as the day they were installed.